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2 Translation results for hatch in Spanish

verb | noun

hatch verb

unfavorite favorite play sound
hatched, has hatched, is hatching, hatches
idear, tramar; salir del cascarón; incubar, empollar (huevos)
word of the day image
Hatching a plan to take control of an event

Synonyms of
hatch verb

Detailed synonyms for hatch verb

See: Contrive

hatch noun

unfavorite favorite play sound
word of the day image
A roof access hatch helps repairmen reach the roof from the inside of the building.

Example sentences of
hatch noun

  • He squeezed through the hatch and crawled below deck.
  • Watching an egg hatch and a chick coming out of its shell is the most fascinating sight in the world.
  • Watching an egg hatch, and a chick coming out of the shell, is the most fascinating sights in the world.
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Reverse translation for hatch

idear  - to devise, to think up 
tramar  - to plot, to plan, to weave 
incubar  - to incubate 
empollar  (huevos) - to incubate, to brood eggs 
escotilla  - hatch, hatchway